

Question by  answerer (24)

How can I get my child started in a modeling or acting career?


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

First should be your child's safety. You shouldn't have to pay for an agent, or have questionable circumstances allowed. Find a reputable agent and it will be fruitful.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. Have your child pose for magazine covers. Local parenting magazines are a good start. 2. Have your child in pictures you take for local events and submit to photo contests for those events.


Answer by  frank (279)

One must get a realistic unbiased opinion of your child. Many parents look at their child in rose colored glasses and do not see any flaws. Do not be taken by the countless scams instead contact the professional modeling agencies with a professional portfolio of your child taken by a professional.


Answer by  Anita27 (656)

A good place to get your child invoved in acting or modeling is one of the traveling events that comes to a city near you. You will have to plan to spend the whole day waiting to see an agent, but the wait will be worth it if your child has what it takes.

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