

Question by  232 (23)

How can I germinate persimmon seeds?


Answer by  Acoustica (69)

Persimmon seeds require at least one cold period followed by a warm period before they are able to germinate. You must, however, remove them from the pulp because leaving them inside the pulp will prevent germination. Plant your persimmon seeds twice as deep as their length in a pot during the winter and let them sit until the last frost.


Answer by  sara99 (851)

I have taken the seeds from the fruit and put them in the refrigerator. I just store them dry on a paper towel in a plastic bag in the cold. They need a season of cold to start the process. The next growing season I start them but it takes 6-8 weeks in the ground.


Answer by  catman529 (809)

k Persimmon seeds, like many seeds, need cold stratification before they can germinate. In the wild, this is accomplished through winter as the seeds lie on the ground during the cold season. To do it yourself, you should put them in the fridge for several weeks before planting.


Answer by  mansi (521)

Plant the seeds in pot and leave it out in winter. Plant the seeds twice as deep as their length in a pot of damp. Put the pot inside a plastic baggie and seal and place inside the fridge for 3 months. Remove and place in 70 degree heat and germination should occur in 1 or 2 months

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