

Question by  Annie36 (25)

How can I clean a foul odor from a window air conditioner?


Answer by  Wendy47 (140)

Disuse my be creating the odor. Unplug, remove the plastic cover and removable black foam filter and give them a thorough washing and drying. Carefully and safely wipe the outside of the unit with a damp cloth. Wait. Plug in, run for an hour, and the smell should lessen.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Find out of there is any water setting in the air conditioner, if so remove it. Unplug and take as much of the unit apart. Starting with the front. Clean the front, wipe off the coils and put in a new filter in, plug in and try again.


Answer by  aracnophobic (116)

You need to open the air conditioner. Then you should check the filters because sometimes they get dirty and the dirt that accumulates there is responsible for the foul odor that you hear.


Answer by  Ariel (118)

If the air conditioner has a water tank you can dump the old water and put fresh water in with a little baking soda and lemon juice. Or you can spray your unit and wipe it down with water mixed with a little white vinegar.


Answer by  Anonymous

im trying to figure it out

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