

Question by  carlaviii (44)

How can eliminating abbreviations reduce errors?


Answer by  Stephen47 (44)

Abbreviations have a few problems. First, some abbreviations can have a couple different meanings. Second, not all people will use the same abbreviation for the same item. And thirdly, sometimes not all people reading a label will even know what the abbreviation may stand for.


Answer by  Ladymacbeth1980 (86)

In a medical setting abbreviations can be easily misread and very confusing. Many abbreviations are similar. For example QD means, every day. QOD means, everyother day. QID means, every four hours. It is better to err on the side of safety and write instructions out.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

It will eliminate confusion on what is the correct abbreviation. We will al be "on the same page" so to speak. It is also reduce errors caused by needing a perios after abbreviations.

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