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Question by  mgbat (15)

How can a beneficiary obtain a copy of a trust in California?


Answer by  olive8 (911)

It would depend upon the type of trust but in general you should be able to obtain a copy just by contacting the trustee and requesting one, or the settlor.


Answer by  kriso46 (35)

Call the attorney who drew up the original in order to obtain a copy. The probate court would also probably have a copy since an estate is made upon the death of an individual. As a beneficiary, you should have legal authority to a copy of this document. The settlement of the estate may not settle immediately.


Answer by  vkcopper (358)

Unless one is told they are the beneficiary of a trust, such as a revocable trust, they do not have any legal right to that information until told, or the person dies. Beneficiaries have some rights over trust property and are usually informed of the trust by the Court, an attorney, or a bank representative for an estate.

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