

Question by  Harrisb85 (20)

Has anyone tried using jitterbug lures to catch trout?

Can bass lures catch trout?


Answer by  dogs101 (192)

Lures are lures. If it makes a good noise and flows through the water nice fish will go after it no matter what type of fish it is "made for". The fish are attracted to the different types of noises it makes and where it is in the water. Certain lures will work, others will not. Its guess and check.


Answer by  Anonymous

Just caight a 17 inch rainbow trout on a black 3 inch jitterbug while trolling at low speed on a canoe!! Was going after small mouth bass and wham! Got a hit, couple jumps. thought I had a bass, and WOW! what a surprise. Can't beleive it.


Answer by  flitwid (55)

I have used jitterbugs many times, but with very little results. Now, I won't lie. I've caught a few trout, but it took longer than using bait they usually take. I would not suggest it unless it was the only bait you had at the time.


Answer by  Lordschild (1398)

Some bass lures are used to catch trout but I don't know of anyone that has used a Jitterbug. Almost any lure that imitates a minnow can catch trout. A lot of bass lures fit that bill. In some places crawdads are part of a trout's diet and some bass lures imitate them. Give the Jitterbug a try.

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