Can you give me examples of God being a merciful God?
Do Catholics believe that God created evil?
If God created everything, who created the devil?
Is it true that matter cannot be created or destroyed?
What is the most recommended way to go about finishing a basement ceiling?
When did Wrestlemania get created?
When God created man, did he already know that man would sin?
beliefs religion
Question by stevehewitt13 (14)
Answer by ashley420 (13)
The world, sun, moon, animals, plants, rivers, lakes, oceans and people. He did all of this in 6 days and used the 7th day to rest.
Answer by tamkees (3203)
...the heavens and the earth, water and all that dwells in it, all the animals of the earth-- including man and woman-- and all the birds of the sky and when God looked at his work, he said, "It is good."
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