


Question by  mpelle (343)

Does the three day diet work?


Answer by  decomom (923)

While this diet may help you shed a little water weight to fit into a special outfit it is not a miracle and the weight will likely come back.


Answer by  lgk (2426)

At first it does, because of the limited menu and other factors. Like all fad diets, it does not work in the long run. The weight you lose will come back very quickly unless you are using it as a first step in a whole new healthier eating routine.


Answer by  Rob45 (99)

The three day diet does not work. Although you will lose weight in the three days, the weight will not stay off. It will slowly return if you do not watch what you eat and if you do not exercise.


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

Yes the three day diet works. The only problem is when you go back to your normal routine you may just gain back all that you lost.


Answer by  AKMGabriel (241)

No three day diet could work because in order to truely suceed at losing weight you must make lifestyle changes that go beyond three days.

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