

Question by  WARLORD (20)

Does Schwinn make an exercise bike?

Is it good?


Answer by  mrsshelast (899)

Yes, they do. It is very good, although it is pricey. I didn't find it to be any better than some of the other top end exercise bikes on the market.


Answer by  tunsad (413)

Yes, Schwinn does make an exercise bike. In fact they make several exercise bikes. Each of them has their own benefits and price ranges. They come as low as $199 and can go as high as $1000. It would depend on what you are looking for in an exercise bike.


Answer by  Ron27 (465)

Yes, there are several exercise bikes made by Schwinn. They tend to be very high quality, and are used in many fitness clubs. Do not buy an exercise bike just because of its name, instead, check the features list, price, and online reviews to make sure you are getting what you want.

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