

Question by  Chris25 (17)

Does playing music affect the growth of plants?


Answer by  bulrich777 (45)

While there are many rumors about music making plants grow some are true. SINGING to a plant has been shown to make plants grow because we are releasing carbon dioxide that the plant needs to grow by it.


Answer by  OceanTiara (158)

All living things are affected by environment be it light,sound, air. Plants respond to various stimulants, just as any living being. Music can uplift an atmosphere by adding energy. Just as you would listen to some soft new-age sounds for instance and relax, a plant will be affected.


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

The science does confirm this phenomenon. Agreeable music, preferably with soothing string sections have shown to enhance and promote plant growth through a vast array of plant species. Conversely, loud and/ or aggressive music seem to stunt growth and overall plant health. Rhythmic music, provided it is not aggresive, is neutral and does not seem to affect plants.


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

Science study's said yes.The vibration Create's movement sorta like a fan resulting in more branching and stronger thicker growth.So the more bass or louder the music is the better the vibration.Scientist claimed the vibration's are picked up by the plant's as a Natural earth vibration.


Answer by  monkeysue (121)

No it does not. I have seen a lot of research done on this and it doesn't affect it at all. It sure would be nice if it was that easy, but it isn't. You can find a lot of research online if you just serach for it.

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