health conditions


Question by  Jim62 (28)

Does medication work for rheumatoid arthritis?


Answer by  lovelife (998)

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease process that progresses over time and cause debilitating joint inflammation. Medication can help alleviate pain and inflammation and will probably be taken life long.


Answer by  krishna54 (212)

rheumatoid arthritis can mae manageble with physiotherapy,in worsend condition should take painkillers and massage with some pain relieving gels ,but, best way to treat is herbal medicines and exercise


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

There is no treatment that will cure RA or prevent it from appearing in the first place. For the most part this form of arthritis is treated as a chronic and permanent situation, with any individual complaint dealt with as it comes up. Because we understand it so little we try to delay the disorder getting worse, and give relief.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

I think there is a medicine that helps rheumatiod arthritis. But you need to consult a doctor to see if there is. The medication could also have side effects too. But talk to your doctor to see if there is anything out there that will help rheumatoid artritis. The doctor could tell you what you should take for it.

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