

Question by  freyafreay (76)

Does Grisoft AVG do a good job?



No , I do not suggest you use this grisoft avg antivirus . when you scan your computer with this antivirus you cannot find the f file. this f file is created as virus. this will open your folder in double windows. so, this avg antivirus doesn't work properly.


Answer by  Joatmon (39)

As with every Product , you get what you pay for. I have had no personal problems running AVG ( free version ) on any of the systems that I have installed them on , however there are other paid alternatives that can do more comprehensive computer protection . Always research before you buy and examine alternatives Also .


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

I have used Grisoft AVG for many years and have never had a problem and best of all it is free. The main thing that you need to do is to keep the software up to date which is no problem since it does it automatically.


Answer by  hidad (3)

I think it does quite a good job. I personaly like it. I feel that it does its job very well actually!

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