health procedures


Question by  nurulhutha (8)

Does a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) have something to do with the kidney?


Answer by  ckell3 (100)

no, this has to do with the function of the bladder and urethra. It's essentially an x-ray done while your bladder is emptying to detect any abnormalities.


Answer by  lilhottemomma (17)

yes it does. the kidneys have to make the urine in order for the bladder to be able to let you void (pee) in order to get a sample.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

This test is performed to see how the urethra and bladder are performing. It can be used to see if there is kidney damage due to repeated urinary tract infections.


Answer by  GVlad (104)

A VCUG examines the urethra and the bladder so in general it does not have anything to do with the kidney, unless a reflux is present.

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