This breed of dog usually makes a great pet as they have a very good temperament and are very easily trained as they are fairly intelligent. They are good with other dogs and great with children!
These dogs make good family pets if you have the room for them and if you have the time to train them well. I've heard that they can become quite dominating if not trained to respect humans as the alpha. They are on the larger side (think 60 lbs) and so are not suitable for apartments.
German Wire-Haired Dogs can certainly make good pets. They have a good amount of energy and a desire to run and work and please their owner. With plenty of exercise and good training from the start, they can be very well mannered and wonderful around children.
This breed is a very focused, smart breed of dogs. It does make a good pet, but he would excel in training for hunting, retrieving. Exercise is a must for this breed, as they need to be able to work.
Bashfulness, anxiety, over obedience, unfriendliness, lack of bid ability, or violence (especially toward humans) is all wrong qualities. Being excellent working dogs, their rank is 17 in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs.
A wire haired pointer's an active, patient and smart dog that needs a lot of exercise, but's loyal and devoted. Meet the dog, play with it, see if you match.