

Question by  Marcinj (39)

Does a female dog pass blood after she has been spaded?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

NO, she should not be!! There may be some VERY MINOR site bleeding if the stitches are stressed, but bleeding and any discharge is an indication of a problem and I would get this little lady to the vet immediately. She may have an infection or have torn the interior stitches, dissolvable stitches may be lodging somewhere inside.


Answer by  keiki (1376)

If the dog has just been spayed, it can be normal for them to pass blood. Sometimes they have a tear and that causes them to bleed after the operation, but it shouldn't continue for more than a week or two. Dogs do not go into heat after they're spayed, so they won't pass blood after they've been spayed.


Answer by  Tiny1234 (115)

I hope you aren't spading your dog, that would have to hurt;) No female dogs do not pass blood monthly after they have been fixed. The procedure also prevents pregnancy :)


Answer by  Tracipoo (1329)

Yes, it does. She might bleed a little right after the procedure but all that nasty bleeding stops after you've had her fixed. Also the moaning and humping stops as well.


Answer by  guyver3869 (449)

Actually this is very normal. Keep an ey on it and make sure this does not last more than a few days. If it continues, see the vet immediately.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

She may still pass blood after being spaded. If this continues for months on end, I would seek out the professional guidance of a vet to see if there is anything wrong.

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