home improvement


Question by  elsewhen (627)

Do you use a carbon monoxide detector in your home?

are they really necessary? i have never heard of someone that has died from carbon monoxide poisoning in their home... does it really happen?


Answer by  momak42yahoocom (17)

I do have a carbon monoxide detector in my home because I have heard how easy it is to die from carbon monoxide poisoning. You can't smell it, so you have no way to know it is there without this detector.


Answer by  Ashaan (50)

I do not use a carbon monoxide detector in my home. I have heard of people suffering due to ignorance though and it may not be a bad idea to think of it now. It might be worth it if it is not very expensive.


Answer by  caringguy (40)

I do not have a carbon monoxide detector in my home. I don't feel that it is absolutely necessary to have one. I have heard of people dying from carbon monoxide, but it is very rare, much more so than a fire.

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