

Question by  bonesofyou (39)

Do you get upset when people talk on their phones in public?

I have always thought it's the same as having a conversation with a person who is sitting right there, so if that is appropriate, then it's fine to be on your phone.


Answer by  Division1TrackAthlete (79)

I sometimes get irritated with people who talk on the phone in public, it depends on the nature of their conversation and where they happen to be at the time.


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

I do not get upset as long as the person is not talking too loudly. I do not get upset unless the conversation goes on too long.


Answer by  somerset (801)

It is a matter of time and place. Loud conversation, or talking while ordering is downright rude. But a quiet conversation does not bother me.


Answer by  JohnnyUniteUs (174)

I do not get upset when people talk on their phones in public. Unless they are driving in a car, which is dangerous.


Answer by  Kristina21 (78)

It irritates me. I used to work at Subway and it was annoying when people would be on their phones and try to order at the same time.

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