human body


Question by  cw (43)

Do men really have one less rib than women?


Answer by  eriksalteau (17)

No, but that wouldn't make sense either, because since God took the rib away after He created Adam, Adam's genes still contained the information including that rib. So all Adam's descendants - boys and girls - have the same amount of ribs as their mother.

posted by Anonymous
way to hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
i think that when god took Adams that he was depending on the who the child took after the mom or the dad the dad (adam) having one less rib but if we wanted 2 find out we would have 2 go back in time and i guess see howmany  add a comment
posted by Anonymous
that is re-tarted that littlething that is posted right there; way 2 go way 2 go hahahahahahahahah it is not a freaking joking matter it is something that i believe in and you joking about it ur a srry my parents say that i cannot call people that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im p'ed  add a comment

Answer by  lcapurro812 (237)

This misconception which originates from the story of God taking one of Adam's ribs to create Eve is myth, with no factual basis. The truth is that men and women have twelve pairs of ribs. Because the ribs articulate with the vertebral column posteriorly, if the myth were truth, this would also mean that men have one less vertebra.

posted by Anonymous
so take that  add a comment

Answer by  diva25 (4016)

No, that is not true. The only way this would be true is if there was an abnormality in a woman that would cause her to have less ribs. Both men and women have 24 ribs, 12 on each side. People have been known to have as many as 24-26 of them, but these actually can cause pain.


Answer by  Anonymous

Well the Bible dosent make mistakes but God could have given Adam his rib back. Or it was just Adam with the missing rib but everyone of his children and so on didn't have one less rib.


Answer by  Anonymous

omg this is amazing i aked my teacher and she said look it up so i did and there is a "mistake" in the bible so i have to tell her that.also i was beleiving that 4 as long as i can remember lol well i guess were not abnormal.

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