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 fish  sports


Question by  yromeg (16)

Do many people go bass fishing with night crawlers?

I always see them using lures.


Answer by  DEscobedo (135)

Yes many people do fish with night crawlers to catch bass. The reason for this is that it causes a lot of movement in the water. Also it is cheaper to use night crawlers compared to live minnows. Also another benefit of using night crawlers is that night crawlers act how natural food for the bass does.


Answer by  Joe80 (866)

Yes, many people actually go fishing with night crawlers. It is one of the more popular kinds of bait because it makes a lot of movement in the water.


Answer by  drewdaddy (55)

Yes, night crawlers are often used in place of artificial lures. It also gives you the opportunity to catch a number of other species. It is a cheapier, and easier bait alternative to live minnows.


Answer by  bill14 (308)

Bass fishing with night crawlers is an excellent choice that most people use. They imitate natural food and can be fished in a variety of ways. Furthermore, people fishing for walleye with night crawlers often catch large numbers of bass.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

Yes night crawlers are a fantastic bass bait. If there are any fish in the pond they will definitely attack nightcrawlers. Nightcrawlers are not as attractive on Tv so you will probably never see them being used for bass.


Answer by  y3636363 (1380)

Well there are some people that do. Again it just depends on which area of the states that you go to.


Answer by  icanoutfishyou (1148)

No, generally bass fishermen do use lures because most bass anglers don't keep bass to eat. Using live bait means the fish will swallow it more often, with higher mortality.


Answer by  sishir (62)

there is lots of benefit using night crawlers while fishing.night crawlers is mostly eaten by all the fish.its make lots of movement in water.

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