health treatments


Question by  sashangeljaz (992)

Do I have the right of refusal of medical attention?


Answer by  tml (538)

Yes, you have the right to refuse medical attention if you are conscious. More often than not, this issue comes up when someone is unconscious. Hospitals and medical staff are general exempt to provide medical assistance in such instances if they deem it necessary in their own professional judgment. A party would then be responsible for the cost.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Yes. For example if you were involved in an accident and an ambulance was called you have the right to say that you don't want to be looked at if you think you're fine. They also have "Do Not Resuscitate" forms which don't let doctors resuscitate you if your dying.


Answer by  tschu (417)

Yes, as long as you are determined to be capable of making descions for yourself. Some things that would consider you uncapable are, head injuries, intoxication, mental health issues, alztimers, or any other issue that would alter oyur judgment.


Answer by  guyver3869 (449)

Absolutly you can refuse. Remember it is your body and you have the right to decide what happens to it. Only exception is life threatening injuries.

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