

Question by  KathyB (276)

Do high blood pressure and a low pulse rate occur together?


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

This can occur, but if this is happening you need to automatically pick up the phone and dial into 911 or press any life line pendant you may have in the house.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You will need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can tell you what you need to do for it. don't wait to long to go.


Answer by  SubhashChander (1773)

With a low pulse rate, there can't be high blood pressure. Both do not occur together. Rather, low pulse rate is due to low blood pressure.


Answer by  krishna54 (212)

high blood pressure and low pulse rate can occur together very rarely and it is highly dangerous,high blood pressure is the symptom of heart malfunction and the brain and the low pulse rate also is related to the pumbing effect of the heart. if these two condition occur togrther consult doctor immediately

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