united states


Question by  elsewhen (627)

Do Americans need a Visa to go to Canada?

or, are you just allowed to cross the border at will?


Answer by  araenel (50)

Americans can cross the border to Canada without a Visa. You used to be able to cross the border at will, just by answering a few questions. Soon a passport will be required in order to cross the border. At present you need two forms of identification - one that proves citizenship, and a government issued photo ID of some kind.


Answer by  BurnedHeart (13)

All Americans traveling from the United States to Canada must present both proof of U.S. citizenship and identity. A valid U.S. passport, NEXUS card, Government-issued photo ID (e.g. Driver's License), U.S. birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or expired U.S. passport satisfy these requirements.


Answer by  DulceDeLeche (219)

You can cross without a visa, but you will probably be required to show identification that proves your citizenship. Generally, you should carry your passport whenever you are doing any international travel.

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