health conditions


Question by  sini6a (17)

Could chest pains and gas be related?


Answer by  Natalie14 (230)

Chest pains can be caused by gas accummulating into the chest area. However, chest pain should not be taken lightly and should be checked by a medical professional.


Answer by  cherry (102)

Gas problems can cause chest pains when too much air is inside the stomach that it pushes the heart up. A referred pain can be casued by a gassy stomach


Answer by  marcia (228)

Yes, excessive gas can cause chest pains. Try to elevate your chest, do not lie flat. Taking over the counter medication that combats gas will help relieve this situation.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

It is definitely possible. Several over the counter medications say that they help alleviate gas pains. Try some, and if those don't work out it might be a good idea to see a doctor. Chest pains can result from gas, but they can also result from more serious conditions like heartburn, so get them checked out.

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