How can I offer my help to a blind person without sounding rude?
How do you use a 4-4 defense?
How do you witness to someone that has a psychics religion?
If a person I do not know was given a speeding ticket in my name can I go to court and challenge the ticket and this person?
What does the defense take from a an arbitration award?
What is a good doomsday defense?
What is a good homemade pepper spray defense?
beliefs possibilities
Question by jimmay (19)
Answer by Hank (117)
I have heard this is possible. In my opinion it is simple a matter of mind control. The mind is very misterious and can potentially do anything.
Answer by Brett (7986)
Considering that being a psychic or psychic capabilities have never been actually proven, the answer is no. Most people who claim to be psychic or have psychic abilities are generally frauds.
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