You can take Azo if you have a UTI,however, it will not cure it and it may make it more difficult for your health care provider to tell if you have an active UTI or not. Azo only treats the discomfort of the UTI. A better choice would be to drink plenty of fluids and see your healthcare provider.
Azo can be used for a UTI, and is less likely to cause stomach upset than over the counter anti-inflammatory medications. It is probably more palliative than cure.
Over-the-counter drugs Azo-Standard and Peridium, can be taken for pain and discomfort of a UTI, but do not cure the infection. You need a prescription antibiotic, usually a sulfa drug.
Azo products are formulated to relieve the discomfort associated with a UTI. They do not contain any antibiotics and are, therefore, not a cure unto themselves.