Can you tell me how to make homemade guinea pig cages?
How do I make homemade energy drinks?
How do you make homemade lanterns out of canning jars?
How do you make homemade tomato soup?
How do you make homemade vegetable soup?
How do you make your own barbecue sauce?
What is the process for making homemade dye magnets?
appliances diy
Question by adolf (75)
What would you use?
Answer by GeoffKeoghyahoocom (466)
Homemade barbecue grills can be made. Personally I would buy one because I do not know how to make one. They can be made for the frugal individual though. Google searches are very helpful for this.
Answer by poppanerf (90)
Yes you can, it just takes some simple math skills, and some creative ideas. For instance I made one out of a oil barrel cut in half.
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