mental health


Question by  chitatoess (2)

Can you give me some ideas on how to motivate myself?

I can't seem to get it together.


Answer by  TracyJo (74)

Positive affirmations are very helpful in self-motivation. Usually once a person gets moving and doing something, the other actions follow naturally. Reading positive materials and contacting motivated individuals rubs off on us. Another way is to keep one's eyes directed on the goal to be reached.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Start by making lists and setting goals. Have long-term and short-term goals, including minor day-to-day goals to ones that you plan to achieve in one year, five years, and ten years. Write them down, and update often. Also, set up a morning(and nightly) ritual of exercise(yoga/meditation) and self affirmations. Actually say the affirmations, choosing ones that suit your needed motivations.

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