

Question by  Danie (993)

Can you give me a review of a 250 quad?


Answer by  DavidS (1517)

For basic general riding these are fine. They do not have the power to use attachments efficiently such as snow plows. They are not large enough for multiple riders and are not roomy for full grown adults especially larger framed adults.


Answer by  HelpfulAndy (1107)

A 250 quad is a decent quad. It's not that powerful, but it looks nice and is probably plenty fast for your needs. Some of them have really big tires that are great in mud.


Answer by  joltflame (49)

They are fantastic and very fast. Though they run out of soap pretty soon. Also, care with the jumping, they can jump pretty high and you might get an injury.


Answer by  Muhammadshahzadkhan (14)

Good value for money, good looking bike and reliable.four wheal for muddy,desert and mountain areas.power full engine.Over 5000000 registered importers and exporters of 250 quad.i thing more when going to drive this thing must hold your breath.

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