

Question by  Syl (64)

Can you get estrogen over the counter?

Or do you need a prescription?


Answer by  Deelie (7)

Generally, synthetic estrogen supplements are available only with a prescription. There are many natural estrogen boosters such as soy that are available over the counter.


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

Estrogen cannot be purchased over the counter. Estrogen and any other hormone is a medication that needs to be monitored by the prescribing doctor. While it can be very beneficial there are risks involved, so close monitoring by a professional is important. Soy commonly found in foods contains small amounts of estrogen when eaten in large amounts.


Answer by  Anonymous

Health food store estrogen boosters or plant estrogens can be very strong, and work as well or better than a Rx product. Soy, yam, and Evening Primrose are good choices. Research extensively, ask questions, and start slowly with whatever you choose to try. Take responsibility for your own health!


Answer by  jessydav (550)

yes, at many health food stores they offer estrogen replacement pills, as well as foods like soy or soy milk that are high in estrogen.


Answer by  4now4 (44)

Estrogen is a prescription medication which can only be prescribed by your doctor. There might be some plant-derived products available that could mimic estrogen, but it would not be nearly the same as getting an actual prescription for a valid medication that would be filled in a pharmacy or from your MD.

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