mental health


Question by  safia (2)

Can I see a psychotherapist for free?

If so, how would I go about doing this?


Answer by  linsm (898)

It is very unlikely that you will see a therapist for free. It is possible, however, a based on income, Mental Health Clinics are in your area, which may charge on a sliding scale fee, or provide free services. You can also contact your local free medical clinics to see if they offer these services or can refer you.


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Usually, you cannot see a psychotherapist for free. They need to make money for their services to stay in business. You may be able to arrange a payment plan with one.

Reply by safia (2):
I was actually thinking about NHS. your answer doesn't help in any way, i am very aware of the fact that everyone deserves a salary for their service.
The real question is, can someone with very low income can see a therapist or, solving mental issues is just a priviledge  add a comment
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