


Question by  Danie (993)

Can I restore a 1943 Mercury?


Answer by  bill36 (5)

With the appropriate skills, you can restore anything. If it can be made, it can be repaired. It's just a matter of how much you want to spend. Is it worth the cost to you? You also pay someone else to do it, but it would cost more.


Answer by  metalalana (4)

Yes you can restore it. This is a very popular car to customize. There are many automotive shows to give you ideas about how to restore it. Even going to car shows can be inspiring. Any car could be restored with time and dedication, the only downside is having the funds to achieve this.


Answer by  carguy19 (19)

Yes you can restore an old mercury. There are so many magazines and web sites devoted to classic car resoration its easy to find good advise.


Answer by  soccer593 (476)

You can restore any kind of car. You can find parts for almost any kind of car on the internet.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Well if you have the time, money, and resources then you can. You will need to do some research as to what parts are need and what can be bought. They way you don't get in over your head.

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