


Question by  sinu (23)

Can dogs get pregnant if they are not in heat?


Answer by  jds (105)

No, dogs cannot get pregnant if they are not in heat. Such as humans the female has to be in their reproductive cycle. The reproduction cycle is the result of the egg working it's way thru the fallopian tube where the sperm from the male impregnates the female. Therefore the female dog has to be in heat/reproduction cycle.


Answer by  sandy31 (9)

No, female dogs can only become pregnant if they are in heat. Very rarely will a female dog accept another male dog unless she is in heat. A male dog is usually not interested in a female unless she is in heat.


Answer by  Erica95 (323)

Dogs cannot get pregnant when they are not in heat and please remember that even during your dog's first cycle she can still get pregnant although most veterinarians recommend waiting well beyond your dog's first cycle if you intend to breed her.


Answer by  Esteme (274)

Yes, it is possible for dogs to become pregnant without coming into heat, especially if there are male dogs commonly around the area where they stay and they can intermingle.

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