


Question by  worker7458 (12)

Can distemper vaccination make a cat sick?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Any vaccination can have side effects or can cause allergic reactions. However, cats won't get distemper from getting the vaccine.


Answer by  tessamalk (466)

Any pet can get sick after receiving vaccinations. Call your vet and ask if her symptoms are normal side effects, or if she should be brought in.


Answer by  maggie711 (285)

Not actually sick, but it is a potent shot and there is a reaction, slight fever, no appetite, sleep more than usual. This only lasts a day or so.


Answer by  sasser1102 (198)

I have never heard of it, but my cats have been sort of sluggish for a day or so after vaccinations. I think that all cats are different.

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