health conditions


Question by  Gail (9)

Can a lack of protein lead to anemia?


Answer by  pillai (18)

Protien deficiency can cause anemia because protien is required for the production of heamoglobin and rbc. In pernicious anemia vitamin B12is not absorbed from blood as it lacks intrinsic(in-TRIN-sic)factor,protien in stomach.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Anemia is mostly related to a lack of iron in your body. Another major cause is a vitmamin B12 efficiency. It is not so much as lack of protein, but that proteins normally have these two crucial vitamins and mineral to keep our bodies from becoming anemic. Red meats are big in having B vitamins and iron.


Answer by  SandyG (807)

There are several types of anemia. If you are refering to iron deficiency anemia, the answer is yes. Most of the iron we get from food is found in protein, such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. Anemia is characterized by extreme fatigue, brittle nails, pale skin.


Answer by  apocalv (217)

a lack of iron which is found in protein can be the cause of anaemia so in theory yes, however, take iron supplmentation

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