human body


Question by  cindy (1484)

Are you supposed to have back pain when you go through puberty?


Answer by  Marybeth (841)

There are different syptoms for boys vs girls, a girl may have back pain associated with cramping due to the onset of menses. Boys on the other hand may have growing pains, usually associated with joint pain from growing rapidly.


Answer by  Britt (453)

Throughout puberty you will have many growing pains, pain in the back and legs can be common. However, it is best to talk to your doctor just in case.


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

Back pain could be the result of growing and elongating your spine. The stretching bone plates and tendons could easily give back pain. Bad posture or sleeping could also be a source.


Answer by  kimby (56)

It's fairly uncommon to have back pain when going through puberty. Teens tend to be more active in sports than others so this could be why some have back pain.

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