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Question by  Pondsi (42)

Are you happy with the performance of your D-Link DSL?

I am especially interested in the 200.


Answer by  Jenny25525 (708)

Yes, I am very happy with the D-Link. I've been using this router for over 3 years and I can report that it hasn't stopped performing optimally. It's the top of its line.


Answer by  rasel (43)

Yes I am happy with the performance of my D-Link DSL. It provides a good or average results of a modem with four port router. I am using it from three months in my office. So I can say D-Link DSL very useful to me. It makes my work easier.


Answer by  ahsanmahmoodawan (1169)

with a good price this is really a great router i never check any power issue in it and it support whereas some other routers always give errors when you you all of there connections

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