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Question by  devinderkumarsharma (12)

Are there roofing shingles that have a radiant barrier built in?


Answer by  Anonymous

Since the shingle and radiant barrier should not be in contact, any radiant barrier value would be questionable. -A metal roof installed on battens, assuming that it is IR reflective, would be the only effective radiant barrier roofing choice that I can think of. Contact will otherwise conduct heat.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Yes there are many type of roof shingles that are available. You can purchase them at home depot or any other store such as home hardware as well. You can also purchase them on ebay.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Yes there are many types such as asphalt shingles that are available. You can purchase various types from home depot.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Yes, but this is nothing new, it has been done for years. The barrier is like aluminum foil and is put on the inside of the attic between the beams, the shingles go on the outside of the house.


Answer by  drowningindebt (73)

One source about energy saving techniques stated reflective metal roof shingles are a KIND of radiant barrier. Though radiant barriers aren't "built in", per se, they are combined with shingles.

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