


Question by  Bobinski (1652)

Are dachshunds good to keep as pets?


Answer by  kirri (478)

Dachshunds are a very fast paced friendly breed. They love children and most people. They do have a bad habit of Digging.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

As a general rule, yes. They do well in apartments or more rural living and are highly trainable. Bit stubborn though.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

They are great little pets and they love people. They are very easy to take care of and they don't have very many health problems.


Answer by  Dreamlight (856)

Every dachshund is different, but the major instincts this dog has that you should watch out for is a high prey drive and an urge to dig. If you have a special spot for the dog to dig this should help with that problem. Also, they need exercise.


Answer by  Anonymous

They are like children. They piddle. Just be gentle. Put them out give them a treat when they come in. It takes about 2 years. they have to grow up. Their spirits are easily broken. Don't yell at them. They are the happiest, sweetest dogs ever. Give loads of love.

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