

Question by  Treeteller (152)

Are cramps a sign of pregnancy?


Answer by  WelcomingNewLife (144)

For many woman, cramps are one of the first signs of pregnancy. These cramps can be felt by some women as implantation is occurring.


Answer by  MrsO (124)

Some women experience light cramping, somewhat similar to menstrual cramps during implantation. Implantation occurs when an egg has been fertilized by a sperm cell, and burrows into the uterus to develop into a fetus.


Answer by  yandere (46)

Cramps can be a sign of pregnancy, but they can be sign of a number of other things, too, such as your period or just overworking your body or something else entirely. If you feel that you are pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test and keep in mind the last time you had your period.


Answer by  kashin7 (345)

Cramps are actually a sign of menstruation. Cramps are only relevant to pregnancy if you already know you're pregnant before the cramps start. In that case, cramps may indicate problems.


Answer by  Kriket (1029)

Cramping can be a sign of pregnancy. When the embryo attaches it burrows in the utrus which could cause cramping.

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