human body


Question by  Anonymous

Are cilia and nasal hair the same?


Answer by  Kate4842 (23)

Cilia and nasal hair are different kinds of hairs. Cilia are typically minute hairs that are present on the bodies of cells or tiny structures of the body. They cannot be seen with the naked eye. Nasal hairs are thicker and longer than cilia and can easily be seen.


Answer by  KIndiraNarasimham (142)

Nasal hair or olfactory cilia are same ,small hair-like cells. They are in the nose. Most of them can be found near the nostrils. The purpose of these cells is to act as a filter, keeping dust and dirt out of the nasal passages.


Answer by  gummie (738)

As far as i know, cilia are tiny, hair-like objects located in the nasal passage which capture foreign particles before they can enter the respiratory system. On the other hand, nose hair is larger, coarser and sometimes, very visible. I don't believe nose hair has an exact function.

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