

Question by  keg88 (31)

Are Assa locks good?


Answer by  rhonda515 (607)

Yes Assa locks are good.I used to have a problem with people stealing my things.so i went out aand bought an Assa lock.The lock works really well.Aftre using that lock i never had anything else stolen.


Answer by  maelab2 (262)

Yes! I have the ASSA high security deadbolt. It is extremely sturdy and can't be opened without the key. Even drilling the lock will not open this deadbolt. So, make sure that you don't lose the keys!


Answer by  druyhawk (58)

Yes. They have made locks for military! Also the way they make their keys does not allow for duplication and the lock is virtually pick proof. Use them professionally or residential.


Answer by  pooty (6)

My opinion is yes, reason is because they have manufactured for industry, military, and institutions worldwide. There are five design locks. Names are morise adn rim cylinder, cylindricals lock cylinders, high security deadbolt, high security padlocks, high security auxiliary locks.


Answer by  river (1226)

The cylinder locks are very good, with keys that are heavier than others. Also it's difficult to get the keys copied, which is good it requires a signature card.


Answer by  oddflash (902)

Yes. They are one of the leading manufacturers of locking systems for residential and institutional use. They are UL listed and tested and have passed a panel of tests that assure the reliability of the locks in various situations. The company claims that the system is virtually pick proof and from the tests I have looked at they are.


Answer by  Joe80 (866)

If you're talking about door locks, I cant help you. But if you're asking about padlocks I would suggest getting a Master lock instead. Assa padlocks are not that good.

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