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Question by  Rasa (43)

Will green paint look okay in a small room?

It is a fairly dark room.


Answer by  vegaspace (63)

If you are going to paint a small room green, the size does need to be considered. For a small room I recommend a light green. The light green will make the room look larger.


Answer by  flower2 (143)

If it is a lighter green color it really should be okay, and possibly even brighten the room. Dark green could even work out well if you place proper lighting in the room.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

That is hard for me to say. You really should try doing a small area and see if it looks good. See if it looks good under various lights.


Answer by  pamela89 (23)

The color green is a warm and welcoming color. I believe it would depend on the hue of green. A sage green would be perfect

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