

Question by  penelope1616 (58)

Why is there no sound from my computer?


Answer by  sairamesh100yahoocoin (223)

may be the sound setting is changed, go to control panel and sound properties tick all the properties settings, then automatically sound come,else install the sound card driver.


Answer by  turbo (17)

It is possible that the volume is muted. Try adjusting the volume. If this doesn't help you might have a hardware problem that needs to be looked at.


Answer by  Binome (1975)

Are your speakers correctly plugged into the computer and possibly a power supply? Is the volume turned up? Do you have the drivers for the sound card installed?


Answer by  sudhamailg (23)

The audio sound drivers may not be installed or speaker may not be plugged properly or in control panel the audio settings might be muted.


Answer by  Baba (9)

Make sure that speaker or headset is properly connected to the computer, if not you probably need to install a sound card or install a software for the sound card.

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