

Question by  Salculd (32)

Why is temaril p used for dogs?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

This is trimeprazine and prednisone, used to relieve itching, much as prednisone is in humans. It also relieves bronchitis, kennel cough and coughs of unspecified origin. Temaril p is dispensed by veterinary prescription, and dosage is based on weight.


Answer by  soundbyte (58)

According to the manufacturer, Pfizer, Temaril P is prescribed for relief of itching and reduction of inflammation associated with most skin disorders of dogs. It may7 also be prescribed for 'Kennel cough' or other cough-related conditions. This medications is usually well tolerated by most dogs for whom it is prescribed.


Answer by  SuchetaMalikGambhir (234)

Temaril P is an effective and safe medicine for dogs. It is used for treating allergies of all types. On top of that it is also used for treating cough.

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