
 garden  trees  why


Question by  Kannaki (63)

Why is my Mimosa tree dying?


Answer by  lgk (2426)

You might want to inspect it for small pests around the roots. It is also possible that it needs better climate control or a boost to the nitrate content in the soil. Test kits can be found at the local hardware store such as Ace.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

They are susceptible to mimosa wilt, a fungus disease. If the bark is streaked, or cracked and the tree is becoming defoliated, other than under-nourishment or under-watering,that is most likely what is affecting it. There is no cure; the tree needs to be cut down to prevent infection to others.


Answer by  quada13 (139)

Mimosa tree can get mimosa wilt, a serious disease spread through infected nursery soil. A well-balanced fertilizer can alleviate symptoms. Frequent watering will also help. If branches are browning and falling off, that shows a bacterial infection and there is little to nothing that can be done to remedy that.


Answer by  zobars (34)

The mimosa tree might be having a disease called mimosa wilt. It could also be due to cooler summers which will lead to wood becoming damaged and failure to flower.


Answer by  RaresIurean (29)

it`s may dying because you didn`t wet him with a regular wetting schedule, so you must make one stable and use it .


Answer by  cody (1331)

your mimosa tree could be dying if its not getting the light amount of sunlight during the day. water is also a big problem - they dont like to be over or under watered

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