

Question by  bgrant (58)

Why is my dog throwing up anything he eats?


Answer by  CatherineKlay (440)

Your dog may have an obstructed bowel, a pronounced case of worms, or giardia. Take your dog to a vet immediately. If that isn't possible, feed a mixture of a starch (instant potatoes or rice), a protein (boneless chicken, cooked egg or tuna) and Metamucil, mixed with water.


Answer by  sonorasun (174)

If your dog is throwing up anything he eats or drinks, he may have an obstruction at the back of his stomach. Something is stuck in his stomach. If so, surgery is the only option available to you. Take your dog to the vet for an x-ray for confirmation.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

It could be many things - did you suddenly change his brand of food? has he eaten anything toxic like onion, chocolate, macadamia nuts, grapes, avocado, coffee, mushrooms? It could also be an allergy, or maybe something stuck in his throat. Take him to a vet as soon as possible.


Answer by  Anonymous

Have ur vet check he could have megasophagus. I know i had a puppy with that it wasnt good. U could try to raise his food higher so its easier to go down


Answer by  Clang2X45 (11)

The dog is throwing up what he eats because maybe he is already full and he cant finish the food thats why he is throwing it and also maybe he is playing with the food while he is eating it.

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