

Question by  carly01 (33)

Why is my baby fussy and not satisfied?

I have tried feeding, changing, burping, singing, walking, and nothing works.


Answer by  Helenaneesh (68)

Babies should always have their sleep at a routine time. If Babies are sleepless they would be tired and cranky. They wont feel to enjoy with anything around them but they would be crying all the time. Gastric problems may also be a reason for being fussy and not satisfied.


Answer by  worker21 (26)

Maybe the baby needs a rest. Turn off any machine that makes noise or vibration. Put your baby in a room that was open for a fresh air and than close the windows, turn down the curtains, feed it well and lay it down in it's bed. Let it sleep for a while.


Answer by  Danellia (134)

If your baby is inconsolable take them to the ER immediatly. Gerd causes a baby to be fussy all the time so you may want to have your child tested.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Your baby may not be eating enough at one feeding to feel full, so is hungry later. Wait 3 or more hours for a feeding, then "stuff" him.

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