

Question by  nethrasen (25)

Why is it that my dryer motor smells?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Basically, a dry motor starts to smell when the parts have burnt up. Do you get this smell where something is burning? That basically means you need to replace the parts right away. You can use your warranty and make sure that the replacement of parts is covered accordingly in that way.


Answer by  Disneyphan (529)

Your lint trap could be full. Lint can build up anywhere in the trap out to the vent. If it is clogged, it may be overworked and smelling.


Answer by  Marybeth (841)

Check the exhaust hose for any blockage, sometime you will find lint, water, leaves, small animals like mice or other. Check your lint collector and empty after every load. If you are still smelling the motor, it is probably burning out. Dryers can catch on fire and it may be time for a new one.


Answer by  KayS (45)

There are a few reasons why a dryer motor would smell, depending on the type of dryer.One of them might be that while functioning, it heats up and the smell comes from the heated mineral oil used to lubricate the moving parts.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Mine has the same problem. It has started smelling but I think it is because it has been over used. We have been using it non stop for the past two years and now it has a strange smell. Replace the parts or purchase a new dryer. Those are my suggestions to you.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Its either the motor or the belt that turns the motor. Be sure that there isn't any thing pulling on the belt. You might just need a new belt which all home stores carry.


Answer by  thekingoffling (58)

A few reasons could be that the belt on the motor is loose or slipping. That or the paint on the windings could be heating up and emitting an odor.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Is the dryer gas or electric and is it the motor that you are smelling or is there lint packed around the motor that is trying to ignite everytime you run the dryer.

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