

Question by  spencer (17)

Why is it my dog has no milk for her puppies?


Answer by  patti (29325)

If your dog has no milk, she may be sick. The puppies must be fed regularly with an appropriate forumula. Contact your veterinarian immediately before the problem worsens and causes additional health concerns for your dog and the pups.


Answer by  georgiagirl (261)

Sometimes the mothers milk dries up too quick, it could be the mother has no more interest in nursing the pups. try giving the pups some soft food with formula.


Answer by  withsmluck (793)

For the first 24 hours after the puppies are born the mother will product colostrum (a high nutrient type of milk). After that the milk should come in. Warm towels placed on the mother before nursing should help with any discomfort.


Answer by  Rani60 (351)

Before breed a dog, you should decide whether or not that dog is appropriate candidate for breeding. Breeding two dogs must good healthy it there are same of different breeds.

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