
 pets  why


Question by  TheAnswerFairy (2345)

Why does my hamster have a growth on his neck?


Answer by  Janette (46)

This is common in hamsters, and can be one of two growths: an abscess or tumor, either benign or cancerous. If the growth is soft and feels as though it is filled with liquid, it may be an abscess, which usually forms from a small wound. Please seek a vet.


Answer by  enkidu87 (130)

It could be a tumor, this is quite common especially in hamsters who are inbred. If it is not causing him significant pain I wouldn't worry about it. After all, few hamster owners would consider paying for surgery. Just make sure he can reach his food and water, and that he is comfortable. Sorry.


Answer by  Quinn (86)

Hamsters are highly susceptible to getting abscesses and also cancer and tumors. You can take your hamster to a vet if they take care of small animals and they may be able to do something for him. But most likely it is an abscess.


Answer by  daubachsgirl23 (244)

A growth on your hamster's neck can result from a variety of causes. It could be an abscess if it is a soft lump or a tumor (either cancerous or benign) if it's hard. It could also be a swollen gland, which would be caused by an infection.

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